The Cost Of Photocopying, Printing & Scanning Services In Nairobi, Kenya.

photocopyibg printing scanning Nairobi kenya

Printing, photocopying and scanning is a vital part of publishing, transactional -printing whether on large scale processes or individual use it is crucial in our day to day lives. Serving a dynamic purpose in communication, from newspapers, books, flyers, posters, brochures, signs, ID and 3D business cards. Moreover we have come to accept this industry in professional fields such as court offices, banks, universities, schools and in government and non- government agencies. Even so when it comes to printing student’s notes or project work.

You must be wondering, then why do photocopying, and scanning prices vary. These are the major reasons why; Quality of the Printing/copy, Market Demand, Location and Size of Work.

  1. Photocopying

This is a process which light uses to make duplicates of book pages and paper documents by use of a photocopier machine. Photocopying can be done in various ways on a single page or both sides of the paper depending on your preference. Photocopying prices are extremely cheaper unlike for printing mostly because copying only requires a single toner which is easily accessible. It might also vary depending on your workload, when you opt to photocopy in bulk it will cost you a bit more. You must keep in mind even though the photocopying is cheap there are setups which have gone an extra mile and attracted clients with cheaper photocopying prices in Nairobi like Comprehensive Technical Providers.


1 A4    1ksh-8ksh Photocopy
2 A3    5ksh-10ksh Photocopy
  1. Printing

We all know that printing is the process of reproducing text and images with ink on paper using a printing press or a printer from an electronic device. Unlike photocopying, printing can be done in black and white and color. B/W prints document in black while color by its name adds color to the print. Printing is generally pricier due to the fact that printing uses 4 ink cartridges which are in black, cyan, magenta and yellow in order to get the perfect print. Moreover most insurance cards, photograph print posters, brochures, flyers and in advertising require a different type of paper, we call that glossy paper which by market standards it costs more than the normal paper.

1A4   2ksh-5kshB/w printing
2A3   5ksh- 15kshB/w printing
3A4   5ksh- 20kshColor printing
4A3   10ksh-30kshColor printing
5Glossy Paper A4   8ksh-10kshColor printing
6Glossy Paper A3   15ksh-30kshColor printing
  1. Scanning

This process of translating photographs into a digital form that can be recognized by a computer. Nowadays scanning is also crucial in our lives, you might require scanning personal documents for a job application, school admission or contracts. It is best to have it done professionally. Similar to printing scanning can be done in B/W and color scanning even though it’s prices is standard, it only differs when it comes to color.

Here is a representation of costs when it comes to photocopying, printing and scanning.

1A4   3ksh-10kshB/w scanning
2A3   6ksh-15kshB/w scanning
3A4   3ksh-10kshColor scanning
4A3   5ksh-10kshColor scanning
5Glossy Paper   3ksh-10kshColor scanning

Good news even as the prices seem high, there are printing shops in Nairobi, Kenya that have mastered this operation coming up with the best printing services offers .Having your own photocopying or printing machine might be expensive if it is not in your budget or unnecessary if your workload is not frequent (Here is a link to affordable photocopier and printing services in Nairobi) Therefore getting the best photocopying and printing dealer is the best decision you can make.